Entry 1: Literacy?

 Entry #1

What is literacy and how do I describe someone who is literate?

Literacy, to me, means intellect in reading, writing, and speaking beyond a basic knowledge and being able to use that intellect to advocate for ones self and others. A literate person is someone who is advanced beyond a basic measure in this idea of literacy. I always had the general thought but further developed my idea of what makes a literate person through my initial dive into Cultivating the Genius which heavily expands on literacy in Black history and how we can use that history to create a new framework for teaching literacy today. 

My mother and grandmother were key influencers in developing my literacy and my love for reading and writing in specific. There was a heavy focus on reading in my household and from a young age I was encouraged to read, write, and speak... loudly. However, Gholdy Muhammad, author of Cultivating the Genius, definitely put emphasis on why literacy, and even more important, how literacy is taught, is so important! Especially, when we are speaking in terms of those who, historically, have not had the same access to education in literacy. 

I would definitely say that I am a literate person. "Words" have always come easy to me whether it be reading, writing, or simply voicing my opinions and thoughts. I emphasize "words" because literacy is deeper than vocabulary and definition, it is an expansion on meaning and interpretation. Although I am above a basic level of knowledge pertaining to literacy, I am a firm believer that there is always, and should always be, room for growth. Still to this day, me and my mother often share new words we've learned with each other; forever expanding on our vocabulary. 

Knowledge is ever developing and to live is to grow. 

Thalia C.


  1. Thalia, this is a great first entry for your Literacy Learning Blog. I was impressed that you gave a nod to Dr Muhammad's work and how it has also helped to inform your own understanding of literacy and what it means to be described as a literate person. I look forward to reading your future entries and to see how your understanding continues to develop.

    PS. Love the way you already personalized this template. It is quite an inviting blog.


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